MN-2E General Maintenance Droid

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The Grand Corridor in Coruscant`s Imperial Palace is an architectural marvel, that streaches from the Council Chamber to the Assemblage auditorium. When Emperor Palpatine took over control of the goverment he commissioned a sweeping beautification of the Grand Corridor, redesigning most of its elements and he had a breathtaking double row of Ch`hala trees installed.

The care and preservation of such a galactic treasure couldn`t be left to just any maintenance droid. The Facilities director of the Imperial Palace contacted Industrial Automaton with a very precise set of design specs for a new automaton. Due to the Grand Corridor`s sheer vastness, the new unit would require a powerful repulsorlift engine so it could reach the lofty ceiling.

Various manipulative and cleaning appendages would also be needed for diffrent tasks, like the pruning of the Ch`hala trees and dusting buttressed roof supports. Industrial Automaton look over the request list and soon produced the MN-2E. The droid is an unsophisticated, but highly effective, and its repulsorlift engine gives it a flight ceiling of 500 meters. Its specialized arms fold against its metal chassis when they are not in use.

At the base of the droid is a circular mouth that leads directly to an internal Wastestream Systems refuse recycling unit. This recycler can convert 20 kilograms of garbage to a useful cellular pulp three times a day. The units photoreceptors are arrayed around its mouth and a refuse of collection scanning computer help the MN-2E identify and dispose of litter moments after it hits the ground.

The droid is equipped with a limited vocabulator that produces random squawks of binary code while it works. The droids came at an "Imperial goodwill" cost of only 600 credits each which was a bargan for the Palace staff. There were several hundred purchased and set to work. Industrial Automaton then began marketing the droid to the general public at a slightly higher price.

Technische Daten

  • Produktion: Unbekannt
  • Bezeichnung: MN-2E General Maintenance Droid
  • Hersteller: Industrial Automaton
  • Preis: Unbekannt