Guardian Droid

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Version vom 17. Juni 2008, 15:41 Uhr von Kratos (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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< Droiden

The GV/3 Guardian Droid was designed from the earliest sketches to be the ultimate protector, companion, and friend, even though the manufacture was Cybot Galactica who specilizes in protocol droids they decided to blaze a new market with the GV/3. Four legged domestic guard animals are common on many inhabited worlds, and that the Guardian is similar to these creatures is no accident.

The units personality programming is even on par with that of a particularly bright beast, it can speak, but instead its communications are in a wide range of emotions through growls, roars, and yips, and the droid can understand the most basic common commands if delivered in Basic. The units metal body is heavyset and powerful, and the hydralic leg muscles allow it to easily outrun a fleeing burglar, or to pin a luckless intruder to the floor. The unit is even strong enough to carry a standard human on its back, and an array of solar collection pannels allows the droid to store reserves of energy throughout the day, dramatically reducing the amount of time wasted during repowering sessions.

The GV/3 is a terrifying attacker and a loving children`s pet, because of these two combos the Guardian must take special care never to accedentally injure it charges. The units twin row of razor-sharp, serrated incisors are fully retractable, snapping into place only when danger threatens, and it has a blaster that is concealed in a sealed belly compartment, and is usally set for stun in households, but this is seldom the case in industrial facilities.

The Guardian costs around four thousand credits new, and the droids are appropriate units for any number of jobs. From wealthy landowners using them to protect their estates from trespassers to scientists and military types who use them to guard installations and research laboratories. Also indulgent parents purchase them as full-time companions for their offspring. In all of these situations the GV/3`s preprogrammed loyalty imprint ensures its everlasting devotion, in fact the tenacious droid will always sacrifice itself rather than relinquish whatever item it has been told to defend.

The product line has benifited from strong sales and favorable word-of-mouth. The children`s market caught fire after the popular holo-series "Revella`s Journy: A Story of a Girl and Her Droid." Families now constitude the largest segment of GV/3 buyers. Also just recently a new use for the droid has been discovered for the GV/3: search and rescue. In a very widely published incident an SAR Squad on Corellia used a GV/3 to save a team of four spelunkers trapped in the notorios Keen Grotto catacombs. Being very mindful of the good press Cybot Galactica is currently developing a modified version of the unit with enhanced detecation sensors, an emergency transponder, a spotlight and a weatherproof packet of survival gear.

Technische Daten

  • Produktion: Sicherheit
  • Bezeichnung: GV/3 Guardian Droid
  • Hersteller: Cybot Galactica
  • Preis: Unbekannt