EG-6 Power Droid

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Version vom 16. Juni 2008, 12:58 Uhr von Kratos (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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< Droiden


The EG-6 Power Droid is a droid that is designed like a square box with legs and no face or other external manipulators. These power droids are portable fusion generators, and their job is to provided energy to mechanical devices in situations where a permanent power grid is unavaliable or is inconvenient.

These droids are very common sights in ship hangers, repulsor pools, and tech domes. The units single-function purpose accounts for their rather bland apperance, and a large part of the droids innards consists of a fusion generator, which is protected from shocks by a heavy armored exterior. The droid is built to survie many varites of disasters that can included radiation conduit breach. The only real marks on the droids face is its plug-in port, a visual sensor, an acoustic signaler. The unit is only capable of droid languages and its sophisticated systems diagnostic package incorporates a spectrometer and three scanners (infared, sonar, and X-ray).

The droids uses these scanners to run diagnostics checks on the equipment its servicing. If the number and severity of the flaws falls outside the droid`s preprogrammed tolerance ranges then it refuses to fuel the item. The droid is equipped with a manipulator arm but even those that work around the droid everyday rarely ever see the droid use it. When the manipulator arm is not in use it is stored behind a tiny portal, and is built for ultrafine electronics work only. Even though the droids are equipped with a highly advanced diagnostic program package they are pretty much stuip. This is showen by the fact that if you ordered the droid to walk in a straight line it would untill it fell off a cliff face.

The droids durability does allow it to survie such misshaps. When Veril Line Systems first came out with the EG-6 Power Droid they had the idea to capitalize on the energy-supply market, but there massive lead has been cut down a bit since Industrial Automaton launched its near identical GNK unit, and in responce Veril has known introduced the S9 Heavy Power Droid.

(P&P RS)

Technische Daten

  • Produktion: Unbekannt
  • Bezeichnung: EG-6 Power Droid
  • Hersteller: Veril Line Systems
  • Preis: Unbekannt