Sabacc Dealer Droid

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Automated Sabacc Dealer





LeisureMech Enterprises


Kommerzieller Service



Learning the game of Sabacc is easy but mastering the game is tricky, because of this and casinos wanting dealers that were masters, LeisureMech Enterprises created the automated sabacc dealer. Although some casino owners still like to stick with organic dealers most casinos bought the automated dealers because they are cheeper to operate than organic dealers.

The droids also have high-speed photoreceptors and sophisticated processors that can keep track of every card that has been dealt into play, which makes them experts at spoting cheaters. The High-Class establishments such as Cloud City`s Trest Casino employ only the most decorous and genteel automated dealers, while lesser places like Coruscant`s Crystal Jewel employ something less considerable like the LeisureMech RH7 CardShark.

The entire assembly of the CardShark is bolted to the ceiling directly above the table, and is suspended in the middle of a metallic saucer base which allows the dealer to be raised and lowered to a maxium extension of 1.5 Meters. When the play begins the dealer announces the house rules and the sabacc variant, the it shuffles the deck and passes out the card, and initates the first round of betting. As the play contiunes the CardShack emites random electronic pulses that cause all the cards not placed in the tables interference field to fluctuate in value.

The unit has six surveillance eyes that keep a watch on all the players and if a player is discovered with an illegal "skiffer" cheat card the unit forcibly ejects the player from the game with its two heavy grasper arms. The droid is also equipped with force pikes, modulated to deliver moderate stun shocks, which can be extened to keep other patrons away from the cheater or to protect the dealer untill the bouncers arrive. Just as with organic dealers some owners order the droids to cheat the customers to ensure house victory. Those owners that engage in this run a risk of losing the droid because the force pikes won`t stop a blaster bolt and the droids are expensive to replace.