SD-9 & SD-10 Droid

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SD-9 & SD-10





Balmorran Arms





Robotic infantry soldiers have been an elusive dream since before the dawn of the Old Republic, from Xim the Despot to other violent groups, they have all tryed to develop mechanized warriors unsuccesfully. All mechanized warriors have been made obsolete by the modern battlefield and advanced single jammers and electronic scramblers.

It has taken the futuristic factories of Balmorra and the maligant intellect of Umak Leth to produce the SD series, the deadliest foot soldiers in history. The ruler of Balmorra Governor Beltane was the one who green-lighted the Empire`s SD project during the waning days of Imperial rule. The factories produced the first three prototype models, and each packed a punch, but they lacked the tactical insight to prioritize and eliminate multiple threats. Balmorran Arms solved this problem with the next set of SD`s, SD-4 and SD-5, after they illegally sliced topsecret programming data from General Mohc`s Dark Trooper program.

The three successiv models incorporated the stolen programming and with the fall of the Galactic Empire they were given limited release throughout the galaxy for fledgling the New Republic. This was culminating with the SD-9`s rollout for use as offensive weapons in Grand Admiral Thrawn`s campaign. The massive SD-9 incorporated laser-reflective armor, ionization shielding, tireless servomotors, and pinpoint targeting sensors.

The model`s hands were replaced with heavy repeating blaster and exlosive plasma cannons. Governor Beltane boasted to potential investors that a single SD-9 was the equivalent of one hundred fully outfitted infantrymen, and this boast was true, but Beltane failed to mention the droids had cost to match. Within months, the resurgent Empire once again subjugated Balmorra once again, and all the SD-9`s were sold to the cloned forces of Emperor Palpatine, and a new designer Umak Leth (creator of the World Devastators) was assigned to work with the engineers of Balmorran Arms. Leth added his brilliance and considerable armament experience to the development of the SD-10.

The newest SD was stronger, tougher, and more intellegent than any of its predecessors. The new model came equipped with a miniature concussion missile launcher and an improved sensor package, but Governor Beltane shrewdly saw the SD-10 as an opportunity for his world to squeeze out from beneath Palpatine`s heel. Unknown to Leth or his Dark Side Master, Beltane`s crews beefed up the new battle droids with fast-reaction servos, point-of-impact shielding, and experimental self-healing metals. Also furthermore their databanks contained all the warfare tactics programmed into the SD-9s, also they were programmed with foolproof methods for frustrating and defeating those tactics. The governor`s duplicity paid off when Palpatine`s military executor tried to seize direct control of the Balmorran factories.

In open combat outside the capital city, Beltane`s fresh-from-the-assembly-line SD-10`s made hasd out of the Empire`s outmatched SD-9`s, but unfortunately the grounded automatons fared poorly against aerial attack, as Palpatine`s Shadow Droids soon proved.