Red Terror Droid: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Version vom 27. Juni 2008, 10:44 Uhr

< Droiden


The Red Terror droid is based on a gladitorial design from Ulban Arms, and all the five hundred members of the Red Terror group make up the automated police force that patrols the factory moon of Telti. Below the scarlet paint the Red Terror droids are reconized as a Ulban Arms Warden 10-24 droid, and this was one of the models that was conceived while Ulban Arms was still a divison of LeisureMech Enterprises.

Due to their parent companies entertainement focus Ulban positioned the Warden 10-24 as a gladitorial unit, but the units full intent was to be used on security and bodyguard roles. Many serious production difficulties delayed the release of the Warden untill nearly six years after the Battle of Endor. Ulban Arms utilized the assembly planets of Telti to produce their new droid, and when the Force-sensitive human Brakiss assumed control of the factory moon, he relized he liked the menacing lethality of the Warden 10-24 and requested five hundred of them from Ulban for his own security needs. These droids are designed and built with thick, powerful limbs and a protected cranium, and even while at rest the exhibit a hunched, threatening stance.

Each of the fingers on the hand are bulky and hid thinly disguised blasters, while a pair of double laser cannons are hidden beneath a set swinging chest pannels. The droids set of broadband antennaes allow the droid to recive orders and transmit hypersonic singles to one another when they are working as a team. When Brakiss got his droids he made several nonstandard modifications to his elite security force in addition to the bright cosmetic coating.

He divided his droids into ten groups of fifty droids and then gave them each the reponsiblilty of maintaining order in a particular zone on Telti. He also designated one of each of the fifty droids in a group as a lieutenant, and the other remaining fourty-nine had portions of their congnitive ciruitry removed to make them more willing to take orders. Also Brakiss issued each of the five hundred handheld electronic scramblers for zapping wayward droids that ventured into unauthorized areas.

Technische Daten

  • Produktion: Sicherheit
  • Bezeichnung: Red Terror
  • Hersteller: Ulban Arms
  • Preis: Unbekannt