MSE-6 (Mouse Droid): Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Version vom 27. Juni 2008, 10:24 Uhr

< Droiden

The MSE-6 (Mouse) Droids are seen surrying through the corridors of Imperial Star Destroyers, and even though most officers hate the sight of them they are simple, reliable, cheap, and are unlikely to disappear from the military anytime soon.

The MSE-6 General Purpose Droid was introduced decades ago by the now-defunct Chadra-Fan company Rebaxan Columni. The hoped to create a model that consumers would consider "cute," so the Rebaxan engineers patterned the droid after an animal from their homeworld, and their next disastrous move is still taught in Universities as how not to launch a product. Rebaxan launched the droid into the market without performing any market research, and they also produced billions of the units as they had counted on an expensive four-hundred-sector advertising blitz to do their work for them.

This had worked for a while untill consumers relized the chirping robots reminded them of disease-carrying vermin, and right after that sales plummeted and billions of the units were returned for full refunds, and Rebaxan was finished with that.

To help cushion its blow of bankruptcy Rebaxan offered to sell the units to the Galactic Empire at a cute-rate deal on its entire production line, and since the Navy was critically short on droids due to Emperor Palpatine`s sweeping military expansions, accepted the droids. Now the droids are found on almost every Imperial starship and ground installation throughout the entire galaxy.

Each of the droids are equipped with a single modular circuit matrix that can only hold one skill at a time, and these matrices are cheap and easy to install, and they are so easy that the droids can be usally reprogrammed by another MSE-6 droid.

The MSE-6`s common skill matrices include elementary repair, security, janitorial cleanup, and basic computer programming. The droids black box outer casing conceals its two retractable manipulator arms, one of which is powerful and one delicate. The droids sensitive auditory sensor is located on either side of its body, and its electro-photoreceptor and minature holocam are found on the front. The droids maneuverable set of treaded wheels allow the droid to move foward and backward quite repidly.

The droid is also equipped with a small compartment on its top that holds sealed orders and sensitive documents for times when it is used as a courier, and once locked the compartment can not be opened without an authorized voice-code. The MSE-6 droids can be purchased for around 300 credits used almost anywhere in the galaxy.

The Empire when it constructed the Death Star had used the MSE-6 droids to guided troops through the Death Star`s labyrinthine of corridors

Technische Daten

  • Produktion: Astromech
  • Bezeichnung: MSE-6 ("Mouse Droid")
  • Hersteller: Rebaxan Columni
  • Preis: Unbekannt